Little China World - 大中国的小天地 - 外国人在中国

2009年3月24日 星期二


人之初, At the beginning of life,
性本善。 sex is good.
性相近, Basically, sex is nearly all the same in nature.
习相远。 But it depends on how the way you do it.
苟不教, If you do not practice all the time,
性乃迁。 sex will leave you.
教之道, During the way of learning it,
贵以专。 the successful key is to make love with only one person.
昔孟母, Previously, a great mother named Mrs. Mon
择邻处。 chose her neighbour to avoid bad sex influence.
子不学, She taught her son that "if you doesn't study hard,
断机杼。 your dick will become useless and broken."
窦燕山, A famous person called Dou,
有义方。 owned a very effective exciting medicine.
教五子, All his five sons took it,
名俱扬。 then their sexual ability became well-known.
养不教, If anyone who have children but they don't know how to do it,
父之过。 it is all the father's fault.
教不严, If they have lots of problems in doing it,
师之惰。 their teacher must be too lazy in telling them the details on sex.
子不学, If you refuse to learn sex,
非所宜。 that should be a big mistake.
幼不学, If you don't learn it in childhood,
老何为。 you will lose your ability when aged.
玉不琢, If you don't exercise your dick,
不成器。 it won't become hard and strong.
人不学, People who don't learn sex,
不知义。 their life will become meaningless.


2009年3月19日 星期四





"碗打了." "one dollar." 外国人想.于是把手伸入口袋,准备付他一美元.

"谁打的". "Three dollar?" 怎么越来越高了.不到一分钟就加到了三美元了.

"她打的." "What, Ten dollar."中国人真黑了,居然一只碗收十美元.



2009年3月7日 星期六



Honglaowai dissing vloggers forcopying his style.


2009年3月4日 星期三

老外来了 中国中央电视台节目(5)老外的翻译工作

Laowai Lai Le: Episode 5, "Laowai the Expert Translator"

From China Central Television's The Movie Channel (CCTV6). 《老外来了》; made for Mainland TV sketch comedy starring 司马优 (Sam Voutas). Episode guest stars Meng Wei. First broadcast: October, 2007.


2009年3月2日 星期一


她说:Please note that my Chinese is only self-taught. I apologize for any serious errors! Here the beginning of the story in Chinese:

兔子的导师: 狐狸正在到处找吃的东西,远远地看见一只兔子坐在一个山洞的洞口,就悄悄地走近兔子, 然后突然跳到兔子的面前,大声说: "我要吃了你!" 。。。。

This is another little story in Mandarin Chinese, about a rabbit, a fox, a wolf and a lion.

