What to Know Before You Study in ChinaAcceptance into China’s top universities is competitive, but students there have some impressive options for higher education.
You, too, can take advantage of these options if you study abroad in China!
Getting into a University in ChinaChina has nothing if not choices. The country has about 4,000 institutions of higher education with an enrollment of about 15 million, according to the American Council on Education. However, China is a country of 1.3 billion people. This may be why winning entrance to a Chinese university is so competitive.
Students must first take a national entrance exam. The score on this test determines if they will gain admittance to a university. Some Chinese universities are overseen by the country’s Ministry of Education, while others are under smaller forms of government or even communities.
Students who study abroad in China will find a semester system similar to what they have found in the US. Universities have two or three semesters. The first begins in September and the second in mid-February. Each lasts about 20 weeks.
Higher Education in ChinaUniversities in China are trying to acquire a world-class reputation. Tsinghua University and Peking University are two of the best and have a concentration on research.
In the 1950s, the government focused on promoting higher education after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The Cultural Revolution of the ‘60s and ‘70s followed by reforms later in the decade limited and then expanded who could attend Chinese universities.
Degrees in ChinaUndergraduate study can follow many paths in China. Students can choose from two- and three-year junior colleges (also known as short-cycle colleges), four-year colleges, and universities that offer academic and vocational topics. Many colleges and universities also have graduate programs for students to earn a master’s or doctoral degree.
Students spend four to five years earning an undergraduate degree. A master’s degree takes two to three years and includes a thesis and written and oral exams. A doctoral program lasts three years.
Tuition to Study in ChinaUndergraduate costs in China can vary widely depending on the course of study, ranging from about US $1,700 per year to more than $6,000. Annual tuition to study for postgraduate and doctoral degrees is more expensive.
Students who study abroad in China can win full and partial scholarships from the Chinese government.
China’s rich history and growing importance in the business world can make a study abroad program in China a terrific option. Many American universities offer students the opportunity to study abroad in China and explore the country firsthand.
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